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怎样正确刮掉你的腿毛 - 愛онd承諾 - 我是一片叶筋脉是森林我是一滴水魂魄是海洋







1.  要明智的选择你用的剃须膏或凝胶。你刮腿毛的效果好坏取决于你使用的剃须刀。剃须的技巧就在于,剃须霜是每个女人都会选择的产品,因为它能够使剃刀顺利的刮下腿部的毛须。它还能够滋润皮肤,防止毛发向内增长。对于男性和女性,我建议大家要勇于刮毛发,原本为男士打造的剃须产品也适合女性使用。

2.  用你的剃刀的时候一定要用心。尤其是当你竖直刮腿毛的时候要格外的小心,廉价的或者是一次性的剃刀在用来剃须是要更加的注意。最好不要选择那样的产品剃 须。而是选择一种有旋转式头部和多个刀片的剃刀,这样能让你更顺利的刮掉腿毛。我为女性介绍的是希克剃刀(价格比较适宜)。

3.  使用理发剪。如果你从来没有剃过腿毛,或者已经有一段时间没有修整过了,那么你选择修剪头发的剪刀是很明智的,先把腿毛剪的尽可能的短一些。你可以用一个 木梳放在腿上逆着毛发来梳然后用剪刀将梳子上面的毛发剪掉。做完以后再用剃刀将剩余的短毛发刮掉,这样可以减少剃刀刮时的难度,并且也可以阻止叶片内的杂 质堵塞毛孔。

4.  在剃须之前最好洗一个淋浴或者是泡浴。至少需要五分钟的时间,因为热量能够软化皮肤以及可以使毛囊放松。所以,你首先要用洗发水清洗你的头发,以及你的全身。

5.  脱落。清除死皮细胞,刮完以后用一个Ayate毛巾轻轻擦拭皮肤。或者选用去角质和您喜爱的沐浴露再清洗一下。

6.  刮完后轻拍一些剃须油。剃须过后要用剃须油擦在上面给皮肤制造一个屏障,而不是剃须过后什么都不擦或者擦一些滋润皮肤的产品。剃须油有助于防止剃须后毛发 向内生长也能减少一般的刺激性。这不是一个必要的步骤,但对于那些敏感皮肤的人来说是一个不可缺少的步骤,因为它能够很好的护理皮肤。

7.  使用剃须膏或凝胶。确保皮肤是潮湿的,但不要太湿。如果你有一个剃须刷,用剃须刷刷上剃须膏,以帮助解除剃须时的疼痛感。

8.  剃须。剃须是一定要使用新的叶片,手的力道要掌握好不要太过用力,刮的时候要与毛发生长的方向相反,并且要让所有的皮肤都绷紧。不要刮同一个地方太多次。

9.  冲洗。刮完一次后叶片一定要清洗后再刮第二次。如果剃取物堵塞了剃刀,那么剃刀就会很难发挥它最大的作用。

10. 净化。冲洗刮完后的肌肤并且用毛巾将皮肤轻轻拍干。

11. 滋润。应用光液。不要涂抹太厚的滋润产品,那样反而会堵塞毛囊。但是一些光液能够帮助滋润肌肤,使其看起来更加柔嫩,光滑。

12. 消退红肿。男人或者腿毛很厚的人可以使用一个像无瑕毛发内血清这类的产品,来降低剃须后留下的红肿,并且能够防止皮肤发红毛发向内增长。


1.  观察毛发生长的方向。有时候,人的腿部的毛发是从左到右生长有的则是从右到左生长的,所以要调整刀片剃须的方向以便达到剃须最好的效果。

2.  要额外小心你手的力道,在脚踝和胫骨的部位剃刀的力用的一定要轻。

3.  剃须只是暂时的,想要获得更持久的效果(最多6周),尝试一下打蜡或制糖的方法。









How To Shave Your Legs

By Naomi Torres, About.com Guide


A little prep and after-care brings smoother results

Image Doran / IStockPhoto


Our guide on how to shave your legs shows you how to get a close shave while avoiding nicks and cuts. Even if you've been using the razor on your legs for years, I'm sure you'll learn some new tricks for better results.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 15- 20 minutes for shaving your legs

Here's How:

1.         Choose your shaving cream or gel wisely. What you use has as much on the outcome of your shave as your razor. The Art of Shaving, Shaving Cream for Women (compare prices) is phenomenal for getting a smooth shave, moisturizing skin and preventing ingrown hairs. For men or women, I would recommend Brave Shave, originally created for male body shaving.

2.         Don't skimp on your razor. Stay clear of the straight, cheap disposables or you'll be asking for cuts and nicks. Instead use a razor with a pivoting head and multiple blades to give you a smooth, close shave. My pick for the ladies is Schick Quattro for women (compare prices).

3.         Give a haircut. If you've never shaved, or haven't in a while, it's good to trim hair down as short as possible. You can do that by placing a comb flat on the skin and trim over comb with scissors, or with clippers using the shortest guard. The less hair you start out with means less use of your razor, and leads to less clogging of blade.

4.         Take a warm shower or bath. At least five minutes of the heat will soften skin and relax the hair follicle. So shampoo your hair and wash your body first.

5.         Exfoliate. Rid dead skin cells and provide a closer shave by using a mild exfoliator or your favorite body wash with an Ayate washcloth (compare prices) on your legs.

6.         Dab on some shaving oil. Working as a barrier on your skin, the razor will glide easier instead of dragging and moisturize skin. It also helps prevent razor burn, general irritation and ingrown hairs. This isn't a necessary step, but a big life-saver for those who struggle with irritation or have sensitive skin.

7.         Apply shaving cream or gel. Make sure skin is damp, but not overly wet. If you have a shaving brush, work the product with the brush in circles to help lift hair and get a closer shave.

8.         Shave. Using a fresh blade, using firm but not excessive pressure, go in opposite direction of hair growth while holding skin taut. Don't go over the same area too many times.

9.         Rinse. In between strokes, be sure to rinse blade. A clogged razor won't work well.

10.        Cleanse. Rinse area and pat dry with towel.

11.        Moisturize. Apply a light lotion. You don't want anything too thick so as to clog the hair follicle. But something light will help hydrate the skin and make it look more soft and smooth.

12.         Fight redness. Men or those with thick leg hair can use a prouduct like Flawless Ingrown Hair Serum (buy direct) to ward off bumps, redness and ingrown hairs.


1.          Watch the direction of hair growth. Sometimes the back of the legs grow from left-to-right or right–to-left, so adjust the blade's shaving direction to get the closest results.

2.          Be extra careful with your pressure using the razor around your ankles and shin bones.

3.          Shaving is only temporary, to get longer lasting results (up to six weeks) try waxing or sugaring.

What You Need:

·   Comb and scissors or clippers (if hair needs trimming)

·   Pivoting razor with multiple blades

·   Shaving cream or gel

·   Shaving oil (optional)

·   Shaving brush (optional)

·   Light lotion

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